This design was first introduced at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900.
It is a repeating rifle with turning bolt action, in which the firing pin is cocked on opening.
Locking is achieved by two symmetrical lugs in the breech and by the bold handle at the right side rail.
The cartridges are stored in a rotating spool-type magazine.
The original Jagdstutzen was offered in as single trigger or double set trigger systems. Also a take-down model was available.
The initial models were called 1903 in 6.5mm, Model 1905 in 9 mm, Model 1908 in 8mm, Model 1910 in 9.5mm.
After resuming weapons production after WW II the Model 1956 was available in all common calibres from .243 Win. to .458 Win. with an additional safety at the grip of the stock and the Steyr special mounting of the rifle scope.
Production (about 73,000 rifles) ceased after 70 years in 1973, but even today many hunters all over the world rely in their Mannlicher Schoenauer rifle when they go hunting.
Одна из моих самых любимых магазинных винтовок.
Некоторые до сих пор с ними охотятся. У приятеля есть такая, под 7x57mm Mauser. Основной охотничий ствол. Одной только Артемиде известно, сколько кабанов, косуль и оленей добыли из этой винтовки-
Да и патрон 7x57mm Mauser один из самых удачных винтовочных патронов.
P.S. Винтовка под 6,5мм (6,5x54mm MS) - задолго до появления всяких 6,5mm Creedmoor. =)